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Motivation Maintenance is Key to Reaching Your Goals

The weather is warming up and unfortunately, we all have to unveil our figures from large jackets and multiple layers. For those who stuck with their New Year’s Resolution through the cold months, this could be a glorious unveiling. But for those of you who just couldn’t shake the holiday cravings, now is your time to shine from within. It’s time to get motivated!

Motivation Hacks

1. Reward Yourself. No, not those boring rewards of better health and weight control, but smaller, specific, more tangible goals. Reward yourself weekly if you manage your calorie consumption well, hit your fitness goals, and took care of yourself overall. Sure, many people assume “reward” means overindulging in some food you have been avoiding, but it doesn’t have to be. Cheat meals don’t always leave you feeling satisfied and ready to take on the next week. Instead, treat yourself with a pedicure, a movie you’ve wanted to see, or a new album on iTunes. You would have likely saved the extra cash if you didn’t splurge on chips and fast food throughout the week.

2. Mix It Up. Plan out your week ahead of time, but keep things interesting. For example, don’t plan to run three miles on Wednesday. Plan to run three miles at the enticing park you pass everyday on the way home from work but never get around to visiting. Don’t pair up with the same workout buddy every time you work out. Don’t listen to the same music. Don’t battle the same thoughts.

3. Look Good. It’s true what they say: if you look good, you feel good (or at least feel better). Having a hint of confidence before you begin your workout can have a beneficial effect on your performance. Running a comb through your hair, wearing the bright-colored top you have and simply looking at yourself in the mirror to make sure everything is in place can lead to a much more focused, driven workout. Positive body image is important, no matter the body type you have, but no one likes to feel bloated. Wearing a nice, fitted shirt can make you want to avoid the overindulgent symptom more than usual.

4. Remember Why You Started. With any health or fitness goal, you had a vision for yourself when you began. Whether it was to cross the line after 13.1 miles, drop a pant size or lower your cholesterol, you chose a goal because you knew it would bring you happiness or transform your life into one of better quality. Keep imagining how good reaching the goal will feel, and remind yourself daily.

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